

ベースライン時の前高血圧の有無より,フラミンガム高血圧リスク予測モデルのほうが若年者の高血圧発症リスク予測能に優れる [CARDIA]
Carson AP, et al. Evaluating the Framingham Hypertension Risk Prediction Model in Young Adults: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Hypertension. 2013; 62: 1015-20.

脈波伝播速度(PWV)の主要な決定因子は年齢および血圧で,前高血圧の段階からPWVの増加がみられる [Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging]
Alghatrif M, et al. Longitudinal trajectories of arterial stiffness and the role of blood pressure: the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Hypertension. 2013; 62: 934-41.

長期的な心血管疾患リスク予測のための中心血圧のカットオフ値の検討と検証 [台湾の3773人]
Cheng HM, et al. Derivation and validation of diagnostic thresholds for central blood pressure measurements based on long-term cardiovascular risks. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013; 62: 1780-7.

頸動脈硬化は心房細動発症リスクと関連 [Bruneck Study(イタリア)]
Willeit K, et al. Carotid atherosclerosis and incident atrial fibrillation. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2013; 33: 2660-5.

高感度トロポニンTでみた心筋細胞傷害は,心臓突然死リスクと関連 [CHS]
Hussein AA, et al. Cardiomyocyte injury assessed by a highly sensitive troponin assay and sudden cardiac death in the community: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013; 62: 2112-20.

CRP値は致死的および非致死的冠動脈疾患や末梢血管疾患の発症リスクと関連 [EPIC-Norfolk]
van Wijk DF, et al. C-reactive protein, fatal and nonfatal coronary artery disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease in the prospective EPIC-Norfolk cohort study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2013; 33: 2888-94.

糖尿病の有無別にみた白人,黒人,ヒスパニック,アジア系の女性の全死亡,心血管疾患死亡,癌死亡率 [Women's Health Initiative]
Ma Y, et al. All-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality rates in postmenopausal white, black, Hispanic, and Asian women with and without diabetes in the United States: the Women's Health Initiative, 1993-2009. Am J Epidemiol. 2013; 178: 1533-41.

高齢男性に「肥満パラドックス」なし: 中年期からの体重変化を考慮すると,過体重が持続した人では死亡率や身体障害リスクが増加 [Helsinki Businessmen Study]
Strandberg TE, et al. The "obesity paradox," frailty, disability, and mortality in older men: a prospective, longitudinal cohort study. Am J Epidemiol. 2013; 178: 1452-60.

肥満の人は,代謝的に健康(血圧・トリグリセリド・血糖値などが正常)であっても心血管疾患や死亡のリスクが高い [メタ解析]
Kramer CK, et al. Are Metabolically Healthy Overweight and Obesity Benign Conditions?: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2013; 159: 758-69.

血中の炎症マーカー(CRP,インターロイキン-6)は,血小板における重要な炎症関連転写産物と有意に関連 [Framingham Offspring Study]
McManus DD, et al. Relationship among circulating inflammatory proteins, platelet gene expression, and cardiovascular risk. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2013; 33: 2666-73.

長期的なアルコール摂取は,少量~中等量であっても高血圧発症リスクと有意に関連 [Kailuan Study(中国の炭鉱労働者)]
Peng M, et al.; Kailuan Cardiovascular Survey Group. Long-term alcohol consumption is an independent risk factor of hypertension development in northern China: evidence from Kailuan study. J Hypertens. 2013; 31: 2342-7.

高血圧であっても,健康的な生活習慣により心不全発症リスクが低下 [フィンランドの3.8万人]
Wang Y, et al. Healthy lifestyle status, antihypertensive treatment and the risk of heart failure among Finnish men and women. J Hypertens. 2013; 31: 2158-64; discussion 2164.

健康的な生活習慣は,無病生存率の改善,および認知機能障害リスクの低下と関連 [Caerphilly Cohort Study(英国)]
Elwood P, et al. Healthy lifestyles reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and dementia: evidence from the caerphilly cohort study. PLoS One. 2013; 8: e81877.

睡眠時間が短い人は,体重増加リスクが高い [NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study]
Xiao Q, et al. A Large Prospective Investigation of Sleep Duration, Weight Change, and Obesity in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study Cohort. Am J Epidemiol. 2013; 178: 1600-10.

余暇の身体活動は高血圧発症リスクと負の関連を示すが,仕事上の身体活動では関連なし [メタ解析]
Huai P, et al. Physical activity and risk of hypertension: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Hypertension. 2013; 62: 1021-6.

食事からの食物繊維の摂取は,心血管疾患および冠動脈疾患発症リスクの低下と関連 [メタ解析]
Threapleton DE, et al. Dietary fibre intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2013; 347: f6879.

Autier P, et al. Vitamin D status and ill health: a systematic review. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2014; 2: 76-89.

食事からの炭水化物(おもに精製穀物)の摂取が多いと,冠動脈疾患発症リスクが増加 [中国の11.7万人]
Yu D, et al. Dietary carbohydrates, refined grains, glycemic load, and risk of coronary heart disease in Chinese adults. Am J Epidemiol. 2013; 178: 1542-9.

片頭痛を有する人は出血性脳卒中発症リスクが高い [メタ解析]
Sacco S, et al. Migraine and hemorrhagic stroke: a meta-analysis. Stroke. 2013; 44: 3032-8.

認知機能と脳卒中後の認知症: 脳卒中発症前の実行機能(executive functioning)が高いと,脳卒中後の認知症発症リスクが低い [English Longitudinal Study]
Dregan A, et al. Does the influence of stroke on dementia vary by different levels of prestroke cognitive functioning?: a cohort study. Stroke. 2013; 44: 3445-51.

家族の介護をしている人では,そうでない人にくらべて死亡リスクが低い [REGARDS Study]
Roth DL, et al. Family caregiving and all-cause mortality: findings from a population-based propensity-matched analysis. Am J Epidemiol. 2013; 178: 1571-8.



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